Friday 17 April 2015

Note to moderator

Hello, I hope you enjoy reading through my course work blog, it should show the my improvements throughout the media course and how my skills have gotten better with time and practice, the following work should demonstrate all this. Thank you I hope you enjoy the work.

School Magazine cover and contents

Final Magazine

Evaluation 7

Evaluation 6

Evaluation 5

 5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I tried to attract my audience by styling it off of magazines like Kerrang which was already reaching the audience I intended to be for my magazine, the way I did this was by trying to take elements from the existing magazine and trying to implement them into mine, mostly I tried to do this with the cover as that is what would draw in the people I wanted to, so I had to make it appeal to them and the usual magazine conventions for the rock genre are to have a large bold masthead with a signature font that people will associate with it.

Also the artists I used in the magazine were reasonably stylised to fit the genre of music and draw in the audience for that music, if they see the artists on the cover and instantly assume what genre the magazine is and what kind of content it will have in it. 

The way I have decided to address my audience is through the language register that I have used, this being a more informal register this could also appeal to my audience as this shows it is not a generic music magazine that doesn’t care about the music, so the text in the magazine shows feeling and this is the kind of devotion that my audience may like to see in a music magazine. 

Evaluation 4