1. In what ways does your media product use,
develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (I.e. of
music magazines)
When making my magazine I was largely influenced by Kerrang
and NME, these magazines are probably the closest to the genre of music
(Rock/Alternative) I was looking to focus on and stylistically I have tried to
model aspect of my magazine off of them.
The masthead of my magazine ‘Grizzly’ I used the font ‘right brew’ which was downloaded from DaFont.com. The font is large and a bit distorted; I chose the distortion so the text would seem grimy and this could show that the magazine isn't all that clean cut and has more than just the regular charts music, and maybe appeal to the rock audience more. Through the title itself ‘Grizzly’ I was trying to make a powerful title and make it have the impression that it's something big, hard-hitting and just different.
The graphology of my front cover is quite simple with a large central image taking up the whole cover with the headline lower down the page as not to distract to much from the image, but bright enough to be seen and read clearly. The contents page has been set out so the main article of the magazine is in clear view and central on the page and the other content has large headings so is easy to see.For the double page spread I used the intermediate page
layout to find the main points of interest on the page and tried to put the key
parts of the images and text inside the rectangles for the best effect.
The models/ music artists ‘Fresh Terror’ have been stylised
in the photo shoot for my magazine, the artists were generally stylised to be
wearing darker colours to give the more secluded rock look rather than a bright
indie style like most artists now. In the previous photo shoot the models were
not wearing much stylised clothes to give the look that they are actually in a
rock band rather than just kids on the street. The style most rock bands go for
is the just generic dark colours that don’t stand out all that much and mostly
their own merchandise and I have tried to get this to show in my photos and I
feel this fits the genre and style of my magazine, they do not look fake or out
of place, they look like they should be there.
Some clear communication of your ideas, with graphics to illustrate your influences. Now try and focus on adding the same examples to refer to how your chose to style your models. How does this represent your target audience?